Thursday, October 2, 2008
Homecoming is such sweet sorrow...
I have to say, on the few chances that I've gotten to do it, being an APS (plain clothes security) at Target is awesome. I love catching them and seeing the surprised look on their face. I can't wait to get into my store and start catching those damn 'Tweens' that keep stealing stupid shit like candy, make-up and clothes.
Homecoming at Alma college was last weekend, I couldn't possible describe it as well as Missy so check her journal for the full update. It was nice to see people I haven't seen in a long time. I had an absolute blast at the bar, 3 rum and cokes and 2 liquid cocaine shots (back to back btw) caused me to suck ass at pool. Seriously, I've never hit a pool ball of the table before! That night? I hit 2 off. I want a rematch Meghan!!!
It seems like there's a lot of drama happening with many of the people close to me. Which sucks. I feel bad that I can't do more to help people. My strange hours/schedule usually prevents me from seeing people as often as I'd like. Usually I have Wednesday nights off and due to that I am usually at the bar! I'm not sure what 2 days I will have off now. My TPS either has Tuesday/Wednesday off or Wednesday/Thursday off. So I am thinking alternating, Thursdays off and Mondays off? I dunno. Anyone have any ideas?
I am sure many of you have noticed my recent slip into the metaphysics realm. I apologize if I am getting annoying with all of it. Not sure why I've recently become obsessed with it, I feel like Heidi sometimes. *shrugs* I think I just need to get drunk with Steffie some night and talk about crazy things, just like we did in college!
Life's been alright lately, I can feel myself slipping back into the old ways. Back when things weren't going as well. I can feel myself dealing with things my old way as well, drinking more and taking less care of my body. *shrugs* I guess I've got some work to do in my personal life.
I've also started volunteering at U of M to help the Sigma Chi chapter there to recolonize. So that's pretty cool, I get to be there when we recolonize one of the oldest chapters in our fraternity's history! I have also been approached about becoming a chapter adviser for one of the chapters in the metro Detroit area. I'm kind of excited about it! I'm not sure how good I will be at it or how I will manage to balance my life with even more in it.
So much to think about.
Cameras lately are capable of anything! Shy of creating affordable pictures of course. All you have to do is turn them on and push a button! They will even find the peoples faces for you! That's convenient! I've always had trouble figuring that part out.
How Stupid...
Finding their faces is the least of my troubles! How about you find one that somehow magically makes me look good every time. Or is never blurry. Or better yet, is always level and centered. It does me no good to find the faces if I cut off half the shot.
This is the kind of stuff I'm talking about.
Now THAT is real talent. I'd give my left arm to even begin to understand how he does it.
October Weather
Course they say that hind sight is 20/20. The deeper I fall into my own historical trance the more I realize that I probably wouldn't go back to High School to do everything all over again. High School was wicked hard! What to wear, what not to wear, am I cool or not, do I study or go see my girlfriend? There were so many choices at that time that it almost seems like I had more freedom then than I do now! Now the only choice I have is what do I wear on my 2 days off a week? The rest of my time is spent paying bills with the money I make and wearing Red and Khaki to work everyday. Although, there is something to be said for not having to think about what you're going to wear to work everyday; it really cuts down on the time it takes to get ready and thus increases the time I get to sleep in. Nothing feels better than that extra 5 minutes in the morning!
I remember when I was a kid I used to think about how much stuff I would be able to buy once I had a real job. I should've listened to my parents; I have a real job now and I STILL don't have any money to buy cool shit with. Figures. It's the ultimate irony of life. When you're young and energetic you've got your whole life ahead of you, but you don't have any money. When you're old and sore you have more money than you did but nothing to spend it on.
Oh cruel world, why do you tease me?
Star Children?
Of course at first I though tit was something related to Scientology, just as all crazy things tend to be but then I dug a little deeper and found that it is a society of people that believe there is a new race of humanity beginning to develop on the planet. These individuals also may find themselves possessed of super human powers such as: Telepathy, Channeling, Physical Healing, Invisibility, Personal Alchemy and Astral Travel. They also go on to say the Star Children have very interesting mood swings. Now, I know what you're thinking:
"Jon, you just had a series of very serious and pertinent posts that were very eloquently and professionally written and now you are commenting on a group of crazy people that think they have super powers? Have you lost your mind?"
No, not entirely. At least not yet. Try to follow me through the rabbit hole for a minute see if I can't show you my train of thought...
The current landscape of the world is very different from when many of the older generations grew up and even so from when I grew up. I'm only 23yrs old and I already find myself saying,
"When I was young...."
Perhaps the group of people that are joining this "Star Children Network" are reaching out for a way to feel unique; in the ever changing landscape of the worlds societies it can be very easy to completely lose yourself in ambiguity. With social sciences it doesn't take long for you to realize that there are only so many types of people in the world; so many ways that a person will react to certain situation and so many things a person can feel. You are NOT a unique snow flake and you are NOT different from everyone else. What makes each person special and an individual is the way they pretend to act. The only time a person will act in an unpredictable way is when they are trying to look better than they really are.
People will care about other people and other things that in no way effect their everyday lives because they want to appear to be an empathetic individual. Altruism, as it is called, is the unselfish assistance of others. (In not so many words). It is seen in many different species of animals as well as all cultures of mankind.
This is rubbish.
Even with animals altruistic behavior can be explained not by the unselfish support to other animals but by the logical idea that there is safety in numbers and sharing what you have now can lead to others sharing what they have later. I do not nor cannot believe that animals have some sort of higher consciousness that would allow them to go against their natural programming in order to give away what little resources they have accumulated in order to help someone else. The entire goal of all species (including humans) is to reproduce. Helping others doesn't help you in that regard. Except in humans where kindness to others can actually get you laid if you find a chick that's into that. ;-)
Now at first this seems a bit far fetched. I agree. But is it really that out of the realm of possibilities? If you take a look at computer viruses they are able to self scan and replicate themselves via their programming; so would it be that difficult to program tiny robots to scan everything they see and fix whats wrong?
The other possibilities for these 'nanites' are the ability to not only scan and repair the human brain (and other organs I would assume) but to copy it. Which once again, isn't that far off from current possibilities. The idea would be to scan the brain and put the information onto something like a DVD (or Blue Ray Disk as it would happen to be now adays).
The implication for this are mind boggling! If you could copy your brain and have everything you knew and all of your emotions and feeling put onto a disk you could live forever! It would be like having your very own back up disk! All you would have to do is have a new host ready. The way stem cell research is heading I'm sure cloning will be legal in no time. That was always the obvious draw back to cloning, sure you can make a genetic copy of yourself but it would be nothing like you! It would have different temperaments, talents and conviction due to the different reality it grew up in. As similar as the parenting styles are between parents and offspring there are too many outside factors keeping the clone from being just like you. Plus, what good is a clone if it isn't you? I mean, wasn't the original idea behind cloning the ability to live forever?
Now it is on the verge of happening! All you would have to do is cook up a clone a few years before your time was up, burn yourself a back up disk and have instructions ready for your kids. "Upon time of my death, please download this into my awaiting 18yr old sexy self.
Everyone says, "If I could go back, knowing what I do now I would do it all different." Now you could! Think of it, you're 16 again and have all the knowledge of a previous lifetime. It's almost too good to be true! Which lucky for most of us, it isn't true.
Today's Economy
Having the economy take its nosedive as of late has given me a unique opportunity to see a social experiment in action. There's only so many chances you get in a lifetime to see how humanity reacts in a time of crisis. On September 11th, 2001 all of humanity banded together to help those affected. When Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast everyone rushed to give everything they could; however when the crisis hits closer to everyone's homes and suddenly it isn't something that a group of people with time on their hands and a 'Can Do' attitude can fix humanity reacts quite different.
People from all social classes and all area of the country are finding themselves without the proper means of providing for their families. People are stuck in mortgages that are more than their house is worth. Cars that were purchased only a few years ago are practically worthless now. So, as people are returning to the dealership to trade their cars in for more fuel efficient models they are coming to the horrifying truth that what they purchased for $18,000 is now worth jack.
How does humanity react to this? They certainly can't build Levy's. Or Throw up houses for the poor. They resort to extremes. Since the bottom fell out of the economy there has been a huge increase in theft cases reported. What breaks your heart is having to apprehend an elderly woman for stealing clothes because she can't afford to buy her grand children present for their birthday.
I find myself stuck in the a perpetual 'Robin Hook' conundrum. Is stealing really so bad if its for basic necessities? Sure nabbing the guy for boosting DVDs makes sense but what of the mothers stealing baby formula?
End of times?
Seriously, the more I look into this whole end of times thing the more things line up. Here's some interesting 'coincidences':
- The Earth completes it's 26,000 year wobble.
- The Sun will align with the Milky Way that year.
- The Sun has an 11.11 year cycle which completes at exactly December 21st 2012.
- Einstein predicts the Earth is supposed to have a 'Polar Shift' (Where the North and South poles reverse) that same year.
- Scientists predict the Sun will go through very intense solar storms that same day.
- The Web Bot predicts a series of catastrophes reaches its peak in 2012.
- More on the Web Bot
- Nostradamus predicts an asteroid hitting in 2012. (He's been wrong before so I take him with a grain of salt.)
- The Earth is in an exact alignment with the Sun and the center of the Milky Way which Geo-Physicists believe would cause a 'mantle shift'. Where the Mantle of the planet (not the poles) would change position.
- The I Ching (which is an ancient Chinese book of prophecy) comes to en end at exactly December 21st 2012.
- Merlin predicted many things but one of the darkest was the rising of the seas and the flooding of much of the land. But that's not the best part. He predicts the 'running rampant' of the planets; that the planets will leave their current courses. This also relates to the polar shift idea.
Ok, I admit that a lot of this could just be coincidence or amount to nothing in the long run but it is still something worth thinking about or taking a deeper look into since no one really knows what is going to happen when some of these things occur. I believe myself to be a scientist and a skeptic of many things, like God. If you can't give me proof of something it doesn't exist. You MUST be able to show proof and duplicate results in order for something to be factual.
That is why I am interested in some of these scientific anomalies that are about to happen. Such as the Earth and the Sun aligning with the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Who knows what's going to happen? Nobody. It only ever happens every hundred thousand years! To add to that, the sun has the start of a new solar cycle with increased solar activity at the same time. Boy that's shitty timing!
On top of that it is thought that the poles are going to shift! This is predicted both by looking at the amount of time between the previous pole shifts and the fact that we are already seeing evidence of it happening. The North and South poles are already growing weaker; in fact true north, I believe, is about 5 degrees off from where it should be.
And if anyone happened to skip science class that day here is a refresher on what the poles do:
The poles create a magnetic shield on the Earth protecting all life from most of the Sun's harmful radiation. During a 'Pole Switch' the magnetic shield around the Earth is weakened during the transitioning period. While this would be shitty on a normal day; having it coincide with a new Sun cycle and an increase in solar activity (Solar Storms, Plasma bursts, Sun Spots etc...) could be catastrophic.
Of course I am not telling you believe any of this or to become my followers in a doomsday cult...Although that would be pretty cool...I just thought this would make for interesting reading. Plus if I'm right then you all owe me big time.
On a related note: I have come across many people claiming that George W. Bush is the anti-christ. I hate the guy too, but he isn't the anti-christ. The Anti-christ is supposed to be in power when the world ends. He's going to be out of power very soon. Not to mention, the Anti-christ is described as "a very charismatic person that can lead the entire world in unity" as well as "a political individual that is opposed to God."
George W. Bush is NOT charismatic, he couldn't lead a pack of Lemmings off a cliff, and he believes God himself talks to him and tells him to start wars. Unfortunately the facts just don't add up.