Seriously, the more I look into this whole end of times thing the more things line up. Here's some interesting 'coincidences':
- The Earth completes it's 26,000 year wobble.
- The Sun will align with the Milky Way that year.
- The Sun has an 11.11 year cycle which completes at exactly December 21st 2012.
- Einstein predicts the Earth is supposed to have a 'Polar Shift' (Where the North and South poles reverse) that same year.
- Scientists predict the Sun will go through very intense solar storms that same day.
- The Web Bot predicts a series of catastrophes reaches its peak in 2012.
- More on the Web Bot
- Nostradamus predicts an asteroid hitting in 2012. (He's been wrong before so I take him with a grain of salt.)
- The Earth is in an exact alignment with the Sun and the center of the Milky Way which Geo-Physicists believe would cause a 'mantle shift'. Where the Mantle of the planet (not the poles) would change position.
- The I Ching (which is an ancient Chinese book of prophecy) comes to en end at exactly December 21st 2012.
- Merlin predicted many things but one of the darkest was the rising of the seas and the flooding of much of the land. But that's not the best part. He predicts the 'running rampant' of the planets; that the planets will leave their current courses. This also relates to the polar shift idea.
Ok, I admit that a lot of this could just be coincidence or amount to nothing in the long run but it is still something worth thinking about or taking a deeper look into since no one really knows what is going to happen when some of these things occur. I believe myself to be a scientist and a skeptic of many things, like God. If you can't give me proof of something it doesn't exist. You MUST be able to show proof and duplicate results in order for something to be factual.
That is why I am interested in some of these scientific anomalies that are about to happen. Such as the Earth and the Sun aligning with the black hole at the center of the Milky Way. Who knows what's going to happen? Nobody. It only ever happens every hundred thousand years! To add to that, the sun has the start of a new solar cycle with increased solar activity at the same time. Boy that's shitty timing!
On top of that it is thought that the poles are going to shift! This is predicted both by looking at the amount of time between the previous pole shifts and the fact that we are already seeing evidence of it happening. The North and South poles are already growing weaker; in fact true north, I believe, is about 5 degrees off from where it should be.
And if anyone happened to skip science class that day here is a refresher on what the poles do:
The poles create a magnetic shield on the Earth protecting all life from most of the Sun's harmful radiation. During a 'Pole Switch' the magnetic shield around the Earth is weakened during the transitioning period. While this would be shitty on a normal day; having it coincide with a new Sun cycle and an increase in solar activity (Solar Storms, Plasma bursts, Sun Spots etc...) could be catastrophic.
Of course I am not telling you believe any of this or to become my followers in a doomsday cult...Although that would be pretty cool...I just thought this would make for interesting reading. Plus if I'm right then you all owe me big time.
On a related note: I have come across many people claiming that George W. Bush is the anti-christ. I hate the guy too, but he isn't the anti-christ. The Anti-christ is supposed to be in power when the world ends. He's going to be out of power very soon. Not to mention, the Anti-christ is described as "a very charismatic person that can lead the entire world in unity" as well as "a political individual that is opposed to God."
George W. Bush is NOT charismatic, he couldn't lead a pack of Lemmings off a cliff, and he believes God himself talks to him and tells him to start wars. Unfortunately the facts just don't add up.
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